On April 27th last year, I dumped the old blog for this one. My productivity went way up and I'm proud to say that I have tried not to suck too hard (fail) over here at CinSom. Hopefully, I can keep this going with the same energy even though I'm working on a horror movie book, a horror movie screenplay, and a horror fiction book. Wait a second, I think I gots me a theme going there.
When I first started blogging, I didn't really get what it was for. Doomed Moviethon had already been going for a few years and I didn't know what the hell to blog about. I figured I would post some trailers, talk about music, and maybe brag about some horror DVD shopping sprees. (Uh oh, I sort of do that now.) But seriously folks, this shit is fun. I've met some really cool folks who are amazingly amazing at blogging about interesting stuff. For once, I don't mind being 10 steps behind everyone else.
So happy Friday and here's some crap:
Happy belated 200th post! Our top five kicks off tomorrow, thanks again for participating. Looking forward to your Giallo list. Woot.