Some kind soul on The Facebook invited me to like a place right here in Tampa called Grindhouse Video. It didn't take me long to get off my butt and go investigate. Like most things in Tampa, Grindhouse Video is awesome! It is a small store next to a comic book shop/record store and a barber shop. What more could you possibly ask for? Mike, the owner, was there to tell us about the shop and be very friendly. He said, "How many stores can you walk into that are playing Fright Night 2? And on VHS?" Seriously though, how many? Now when I say it's a small store, don't think it's not packed with gory goodness. Here are just a few titles that I saw: August Underground's Penance, The Manson Family, Horror House on Highway 5, Countess Dracula, Faces of Death III, Graduation Day, etc. Of course, it's not all horror. GV caters to all your cult movie needs (including but not limited to screwball comedies, action, and kung-fu). Seriously. I highly recommend this place!
The Grindhouse Video Facebook page. LIKE IT!
Please note: I only photographed half the store! Not pictured: the Blu-ray section, the boxsets, and much more!