Sorry that I've been so busy, my friends! I've been toiling away on my horror fiction novel and editing Cinema Sommanbulist: The Book so much that I didn't post any of my wife LeEtta's and my October viewing. It was a great month for spooky Halloween type stuff and we had a great time. My new catchphrase, "Rum says yes!", was born during this fine month.
So here are the Halloween movies and TV specials that we watched all month long...
October 1st:
"Halloween Crazy"
The Addams Family (1991)
The Worst Witch
"SpongeBob SquarePants: Scaredy Pants”
October 2nd:
"Halloween's Most Extreme"
Alien - Blu-ray provided by Brad; thanks, Brad!
"The Haunted History of Halloween"
"Tricked Out Halloween"
October 3rd:
Madman (1982)
Idle Hands

October 4th:
All Hallow's Eve (2013) - This one stuck in my head after it was over but I wish that all of the female characters weren't shrill idiots.
The Fear: Resurrection - I knew this was going to be bad but wow, the man in the 'wooden man' costume is wretched.
The Coven (2015) - The Chav Witch Project? This was fucking terrible.
October 5th:
Bram Stoker's Dracula
"Halloween Crazier"
October 6th:
"Goosebumps: Attack of the Jack-O-Lanterns"
"Johnny Bravo: Franken-Bravo" - This was truly hilarious. I forgot how much I love this show.
"Goosebumps: The Haunted Mask I & II" - The kid-acting in this is next level perfect with Canadian accents.
October 7th:
"Halloween Wars"
Practical Magic - I am the best husband in the world.
"The Martha Stewart Holiday Collection - Martha's Halloween Ideas" - Essential American television.
October 8th:
Addam's Family Values
The Crow - This actually comes with an official Goth Society ID card.
October 9th:
Evil Dead (2013) - A rollercoaster straight to hell. I love this remake.
Teen Witch - This film is the devil. Watch at your own risk. I love it.
October 10th:
October 11th:
"Agatha Christie's Poirot: Hallowe'en Party"
Bewitched (2005)
Dr. Giggles - Wow! This was my first viewing. Bad 90s teenagers die horribly. This felt like William Castle but with more "doodly squat".
October 12th:
Hocus Pocus
October 13th:
More Travel Channel Halloween Crap

October 14th:
Suspiria - This was very special. We attended a screening of this at The Vault here in Tampa. Seeing Suspiria with a crowd was genius.
October 15th:
"iCarly: iScream on Halloween"
"Fairly Oddparents: Scary Godparents"
"Saturday Night Live: Halloween"
October 16th:
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
Cursed (2005)
October 17th:
Lisa and the Devil
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
October 18th:
Trick 'r Treat (2007)
October 19th:
An American Werewolf in London
Ginger Snaps

October 23rd:
"TV's Spookiest Halloween Episodes" DVD
October 24th:
You're Next
Psycho (1960) - This is why Blu-ray was invented.
October 25th:
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
"R.L. Stine's Nightmare Room: Full Moon Halloween"
The Craft
October 26th:
American Scream
The Crow: City of Angels - This was my first viewing of this. Kind of great but mostly baffling and stupid.
October 27th:
Crimson Peak - Read my review here.
October 28th:
The Changeling (1980)
Witch's Night Out

October 29th:
Halloween III
Halloween 6: The Producer's Cut
October 30th:
Return of the Vampire (1943)
Carnival of Souls (1962)
Freaky Farley - Still one of my favorite indie horror films of all time.
The Child (1977) - Well, this went over like a lead balloon but I still love it.
October 31st:
Halloween (1978)
Halloween II (1981)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Once Bitten
Slumber Party Massacre
City of the Living Dead - Watched this with my #MoviePartyCrew homies. A perfect end to the season.