Listen to the new show. I think you'll like it. Don't be like that other guy.
My good buddy Scott from EurocultAV.com went to the Housecore Horror Film Festival in 2014.
Here is his article with pictures AND video! It's awesome. Livin' la vida loca!
I know you were wondering when we'd finally get to Silent Scream! Well, we finally did! Brad and I discuss the film and then there's a great Question Time! This is quite possibly an episode of Hello! This is the Doomed Show. Listen and repeat!
And the ever popular archives!
Well, holy crap and yowza! My article on Forever Evil is in the new issue of Monster! I am VERY EXCITED with bouts of CELEBRATORY SCREECHING! You should check out Monster! magazine and especially issue #15 which features me and a couple of my pals, Jose Cruz and Troy Howarth.
Get Monster! #15!
And check out their evil sister mag, Weng's Chop!