Thursday, July 30, 2015
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Two New Episodes of Hello! This is the Doomed Show
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
H!TITDS #76 - Prom Night Megasode

No one yet knows the effects of slashers on the minds of human beings. On this show, we predict that by 2010, all humans will be watching slasher movies in bed with their sex partners. That's the first two hours of this episode. In the last 21 minutes, Brad and I discuss the entire Prom Night franchise. So yeah, that's 5 films for the price of none (especially since the 2008 remake is fucking worthless)! We haven't done an episode -oops, excuse me, I meant MEGASODE!!!- this long in a while. It was a lot of work but it was A LOT OF FUN. Listen and enjoy.
Listen to the show and download it right here!
Check out the old episodes in the archive!
Write in to the show: doomedmoviethon[at]gmail[dot]com
Friday, July 10, 2015
The Working Man's Moviethon Volume One

I had a day off coming up so I had an idea, how about a moviethon where I watch as many movies as I can during my normal working hours? My criteria went like this: the film must be unseen by me, it must be streaming on Netflix, and it has to have beeen released in the last 5 years. It also wouldn't hurt if the movie was around 90 minutes or heck, even shorter. I decided to keep my thoughts on each film short, no more than two sentences per "review". Boom. That was my plan. Let's see how it played out... Shall we?
6:00AM - Prepartions.
I can hear my wife LeEtta getting ready for work. I have to remember not to gloat that I have the day off. Chicks don't like that. I wash my face, brush my teeth, and get dressed. I wish her a good day at work and then I get my playlist together. A few of these movies were already in our queue but I need a few more to squeeze in. Once that's done, I pour myself some iced coffee (French vanilla) and start heating up a bagel in the toaster oven. I start the first movie of the day.
6:55AM - Wolfcop (2014)
This is gory fun with a capital "HOLY SHIT!"
8:15AM - The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014)
Wow, just wow. I really wish I had seen this in theaters. A new slasher classic?
9:42AM - Toad Road (2012)
This is the druggiest movie that ever drugged a drug. It requires a fuckton of patience and skinny pants, you'll need skinny pants.
11:02AM - Haunter (2013)
Very nice! A competently made ghost movie with a teen horror sensibilities, great atmosphere, and likeable characters.
12:00PM - Lunch
I made a hotdog and bacon sandwich with cheddar cheese, mustard, and ketchup. Then I had a piece of cherry pie LeEtta made for the 4th of July with vanilla ice cream on top for dessert. I'm awesome.
12:44PM - Alyce Kills (2011)
This took me down a painful road and rewarded me for my agony. Had my favorite moment of the day (pictured above).
2:22PM - Jug Face (2013)
This is the weirdest remake of Kissin' Cousins I've ever seen.
And there you go. Thanks to some short running times, I managed to squeeze 6 movies into my 9 hour day. I even had time to do the dishes and clean up all of the blood before LeEtta got home. I think my favorite film of the day was The Town That Dreaded Sundown with Alyce Kills trailing close behind it. I liked everything but Toad Road was really a slog the more I think about it. The film had a great moment in the middle but it was just grueling but not in a good way. That's the only film out of everything that I watched that I don't recommend.