Sunday, January 1, 2012

Twenty One One: End Of The Year Review

Boy howdy, 2011 was a fucking terrible year in some respects (mostly personal) and totally awesome in other ways (mostly blogging). The year felt very long to me. There were lots of times where I was able to sit down, look at my watch, and go 'shit, what can I do now?'. Then I would tackle that little project and move on. I had a lot of fun and I hope you, dear reader, noticed some of the content I've been throwing your way. So happy new year to all you crazy kids. If you're just checking out this blog for the first time, please peruse some of the craziness. And just a warning, I have an announcement that I'll be making about the fate of Doomed Moviethon and Cinema Somnambulist in 2012 sometime soon. Maybe tomorrow.

Here are ten things that I'm super proud of from last year:

Doomed Discussiethon: Curse of the Headless Horseman

Rutger Hauer: Endgame

Hella - Concentration Face

Giallo Meltdown 5: Black Glove Outlet Mall

Wednesday Ramble: Clam of the Rape Bear

Doomed Discussiethon: Video Wars

Shepis'tol Whipped: An Interview with Tiffany Shepis

Slashers in the Night

Hello! This is the Doomed Show #10: Lucio Fulci Pt. 2 - The Golden Years

Franco Friday #4: Rites of Frankenstein


  1. Thanks again for a great year of content, Richard (along with Brad on 'The Doomed Show'). Your output is still mighty impressive.

  2. Those were some mighty fine articles! Here's hoping 2012 is a better year for all of us.

  3. @Davo - Thank YOU, duder.

    @Prof - I appreciate that, man! Let's rock the 2012.
