Monday, December 28, 2020

A New Chapter For Giallo Meltdown

Once upon a time (five years ago), I released a badly edited and pitifully written book called Giallo Meltdown: A Moviethon Diary. Since that day, I've continued collecting films and discovering important titles that I'd accidentally (or intentionally) left out of the book. The plan to make a new edition with bonus chapters quickly grew into a second book. Now that I've finally begun work on Giallo Meltdown 2 in earnest, I wanted to share the occasional chapter because I am so damn excited about this project.

My wife LeEtta and our cats, Gorgon and Spasmo, are truly terrified because they know what this means. Not only am I looking under the bottom of the barrel to scavenge for more Italian and Spanish examples of my favorite sub-genre, I am going even farther. This time around, I'm looking for the giallo's influence in films from every corner of the globe. I did a little of this the first time around but now I'm going whole hog on the British, American, German, and Asian markets where audiences couldn't get enough of these bloody thrillers. 

So anyway, before I get back to it, here is what will be the third chapter of Giallo Meltdown 2. I call it Thirteen Boogers in a Black Cat's Eye, a title inspired by a delightful medical condition of our cat Gorgon, who was born without inner eyelids. I won't elaborate too much since I can see that you're eating dinner while reading this post. I'll update you on the progress of this project as it goes on. See you in the new year.


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