Why does that Satanic bird sing? Jeffrey and I find out once and for all. This movie is crazy and our discussion is crazy. This probably isn't the episode you play for your parents.
Check out the archives of the show here.
Why does that Satanic bird sing? Jeffrey and I find out once and for all. This movie is crazy and our discussion is crazy. This probably isn't the episode you play for your parents.
Check out the archives of the show here.
Because we'd feel really stupid if we didn't do it, Brad and I recorded a brief episode of the show since we were in the same room together. How did it go? Fucking awesome! Partly because it is and also partly because we live 750+ miles away from each other. Check it out here!
My wife and I went on a road trip for her family reunion. On the way from Tampa to Youngstown, we made a stop in Bowling Green, Kentucky so I could meet fellow podcaster, fellow moviethoner, and all around rad duder: Brad! We've been friends online for five years and it was easily the easiest, least awkward meetup ever. He and his wife are, not surprisingly, awesome people and I am super proud to call them my friends. The above is a photo of your Hello! This is the Doomed Show hosts under 4 or 5 stories of rock at Mammoth Caves.